SPA procedures
A magical atmosphere such as a delicate aroma of essential oils, slightly subdued light, touches of specialists will help to feel the harmony of soul and body.
SPA services are the door to the world of new relaxation.
SPA procedures
SPA hotel is a great place to get a full rest and care. The Palais Royal Hotel offers a first-class spa experience in Yekaterinburg. Our treatment programs are designed by specialists considering personal
wishes of the clients. We have the atmosphere of a private resort, and there is nothing can interfere your peace and rest.
Services in the spa hotel, the quality of which meets the requirements of world standards that are aimed at improving the body and help to cope with problems such as stress, insomnia, overwork and even
excess weight.

Back massage
30 minutes

Classic general massage
60 minutes

"Morning before the attack" massage
50 minutes
Chapaevsky Bani
«Chapaevsky Bani» in Yekaterinburg is a hospitable bathing and health complex located at Sibirsky Trakt 90 Cozy bathhouses are equipped in the best tradition of the Russian banya (bath), where guests are greeted with the smell of the natural log, birch wood and special atmosphere of the native village steaming.
The structure of the complex consists of 13 unique houses, crossing the threshold of which it is easy to find yourself in a fishing hut, boyar chambers or spacious rooms of the royal chamber. A real paradise for connoisseurs of traditions and light steam!
Visit website